Our Jams

What’s in the jar?

What’s in the jar?

  • This healthier lower sugar range from Frutteto Italia is simply crushed fruit in a jar.
  • We use more than 100g of fruit to make 100g of fruit spread; which is double the amount normally used to make jam.
  • Frutteto fruit spreads are so jam-packed with fruit that there’s no need to add anything else, neither additives nor refined sugar.

Unsurprisingly, they taste of freshly picked fruit!

Often commercial jams are made from leftover puréed fruit concentrate.

Whereas, we choose to select only the finest, freshest, organic fruit straight from the harvest to make our fruit spreads.

They contain only naturally occurring sugars from fruit.

There’s no additives nor preservatives.

All of our fruit is certified organic and is GMO free.

Unsurprisingly, they taste of freshly picked fruit!

Organic. 100% Pure Fruit

Our Jams

Wild Cherry Jam

  • Organic
  • No added sugar
  • Handmade
  • No pesticide residue
Our Jams

Strawberry Jam

  • Organic
  • No added sugar
  • Handmade
  • No pesticide residue

Artisan quality
made in small batches

Using an innovative technique, the organic fruit is gently cooked at lower temperatures to help protect the vitamins, minerals, fibre content and aroma. This is unlike the traditional way of cooking jams and conserves, which destroys the goodness with harsh heat.

Our organic certification

Our fruit spreads are produced from carefully selected organic fruit, subject to several different quality controls. The fruit is picked when fully ripe to provide the best flavour, scent and colour.

Laboratory tests prove the absence of any chemical residue from pesticides and fertilizers. In addition to in-house research and testing, external laboratories perform regular analysis. This is important for the organic certification as our products must meet a strict set of standards and be fully traceable from farm to fork. We are certified annually by the organic control body “Organic Farmers and Growers”.

 Our organic certification

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